strategic plan
In June 2020, Royal River Conservation Trust’s Board adopted a framework for its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, while continuing to work on more detailed actions and metrics. The plan features five central pillars: protect, connect, engage, sustain, and strengthen.
Pillar #1 Protect:
RRCT conserves land and water for habitat and human connection, responding to a changing climate and growing communities.
By 2025, RRCT will conserve 1,000 additional acres throughout the seven core communities served by RRCT: Yarmouth, North Yarmouth, Pownal, New Gloucester, Durham, Auburn and Gray.
Key initiatives:
- 1.1 Target highest value habitat and recreational connectivity.
- 1.2 Expand and connect certain current RRCT holdings.
- 1.3 Strengthen partnerships with other land conservation organizations and agencies.
Pillar #2 CONNECT:
RRCT fosters strong human connections to the watershed’s land and water through quality public engagement.
By 2025, RRCT will improve user experiences at RRCT-supported destinations and outdoor programs.
Key initiatives:
- 2.1 Evaluate and improve user experiences.
- 2.2 Develop a highly interpretive trail in each of our seven core communities.
- 2.3 Expand programming with local schools, libraries, historical societies, and municipalities to connect people with the land.
Pillar #3 ENGAGE:
RRCT engages and strengthens relationships with individuals, communities, and organizations connected and committed to a healthy and sustainable watershed.
By 2025, RRCT will have 1,000 diverse donor families, individuals, businesses, and like-minded organizations supporting the work of the Trust.
Key initiatives:
- 3.1 Use best practices for marketing and technology to become broadly known as a valued go-to community resource.
- 3.2 Expand and deepen organizational outreach.
- 3.3 Add depth and breadth to the Business Partnership Program by engaging both business leaders and employees.
- 3.4 Advance fisheries restoration, climate resilience, and other goals through strong collaborations with like-minded organizations.
Pillar #4 SUSTAIN:
RRCT provides exemplary stewardship of the land and water we conserve.
By 2025, RRCT will increase resources dedicated to stewardship.
Key initiatives:
- 4.1 Increase our long-term Stewardship Reserve Fund to $1M.
- 4.2 Grow our volunteer stewardship with a culture of volunteer-led projects and teams.
- 4.3 Implement management plans based on identified best use and ecological sensitivities.
RRCT is an outstanding land trust with financial strength, policies, procedures, staff and volunteers in place to fulfill our mission.
By 2025, RRCT will implement and improve policies and standards in accordance with non-profit and land trust accreditation guidelines.
Key initiatives:
- 5.1 Implement exemplary governance.
- 5.2 Operate from a position of financial strength.
- 5.3 Ensure sufficient and skilled human resources to implement the Trust’s goals.