Royal River Conservation Trust was established by volunteers in 1988 and was entirely volunteer-run for its first 14 years.
Volunteers continue to be vital to our operations and we are always looking for talented people to help advance our mission.
While volunteers contribute their time and talent to many facets of our work, most focus their efforts in one or more of five central RRCT volunteer roles:
The Board of Directors manages and controls the business, property, and affairs of the corporation. The board consists of between five and twenty-one directors who serve three-year renewable terms. Directors are appointed by the board in September.
As RRCT conserves more land in the watershed, dedicated volunteer presence on our preserves is more important than ever. Volunteer Trail Stewards engage in a variety of preserve-specific activities ranging from trail monitoring and basic maintenance to devising stewardship plans - all on their own schedule.
Get Out! Nature Walk leaders are skilled volunteers, often Maine Master Naturalists, who lead monthly well-planned, no cost guided adventures – rain, snow, or shine – throughout the Royal River watershed, Chebeague Island, and Cumberland.
Royal River Conservation Trust’s Standing Committees oversee the strategic and tactical aspects of the Trust’s work in four key areas: land acquisition, stewardship, finances, and advancement. Committee members serve two-year renewable terms which typically begin in September.
RRCT's Trail Crew focuses on a variety of on-site trail-building projects including route finding and trail alignment, brush and wood clearing, constructing wetland and stream crossings, tread stabilization, invasive species management, and signage improvements. Work sessions are planned for two hours on Wednesdays at 10 am. There is a job for everyone, no matter your shape, skills, or strength. Join us!

Interested in becoming a volunteer?
Complete this form to let us know of your interest! We'll be back in touch to begin a conversation with you about how you can help advance RRCT's mission in ways that align with your desired level of involvement and availability.