Chandler Brook Preserve
The 65-acre Chandler Brook Preserve borders one of the major tributaries of the Royal River. The preserve includes 2.9 miles of trails that follow the brook and surrounding fields, remnants of an old farm and its two hayfields, and a hemlock forest. This preserve provides excellent bird-watching opportunities and also is home to abundant wildflowers, hemlocks, and woodland animals. The open fields and trails are popular with equestrians.
Owned by the Town of North Yarmouth, the preserve was acquired and protected in 2004. Royal River Conservation Trust and the State of Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands hold the conservation easement that will ensure its protection in perpetuity.
1409 North Road, North Yarmouth
2.9 miles

More information
Chandler Brook, a major tributary of the Royal River, is accessible from the Royal River Water Trail section from Wescustogo Park to Route 9. Access the Chandler Brook Preserve from the boat launch on the Royal River off Route 9 at Old Town House Park and paddle upstream. Paddlers will encounter no currents except minor rapids (easy to pole, push, or line upriver with no portage) under the North Road bridge. Please note that the banks of Chandler Brook are too steep for boat access or convenient foot access
All trails are easily accessed from the parking area and trailhead at 1409 North Road, North Yarmouth. Take a right onto a gravel driveway when you see a blue “Chandler Brook Preserve” sign. Stay left as the driveway forks. The parking lot is at the end of the driveway, just before a railroad crossing and kiosk.
For more information about the preserve, visit North Yarmouth's Chandler Brook Preserve page.
Chandler Brook Preserve
The 65-acre Chandler Brook Preserve borders one of the major tributaries of the Royal River. The preserve includes 2.9 miles of trails that follow the brook and surrounding fields, remnants of an old farm and its two hayfields, and a hemlock forest. This preserve provides excellent bird-watching opportunities and also is home to abundant wildflowers, hemlocks, and woodland animals. The open fields and trails are popular with equestrians.
Owned by the Town of North Yarmouth, the preserve was acquired and protected in 2004. Royal River Conservation Trust and the State of Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands hold the conservation easement that will ensure its protection in perpetuity.