Intervale Road to Penney Road
This four-mile segment of the Royal River Water Trail features New Gloucester’s Intervale Preserve. The Intervale provides some of the watershed’s most valuable habitat for migratory birds, waterfowl, and game birds.
4.0 Miles

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Boat Access Points:
568 Intervale Road (Route 231), New Gloucester: Limited upriver paddling is available. Downriver, the four-mile stretch to Penney Road is narrow and winding – and can be challenging. There are many obstacles in the first few miles including shallow logs that can be floated over in all but the lowest water and piles of jackstraw that require more careful navigation. At low water this stretch of river is a 20- to 50-ft wide canyon with steep muddy banks. It runs between fields and woodland. The river has a firm, sandy bottom with shallows as well as deep pools. Large hardwood trees overhang the stream and create a shady tunnel. Roughly one mile of the shoreline on this trip is conserved by the Royal River Conservation Trust with open public access from that shoreline. Transmission lines signal your arrival at Penney Road.
490 Penney Road, New Gloucester: Upriver, paddle to Intervale Road. Downriver, there is a steep 30-foot rapid ending in a pool.
Intervale Road to Penney Road
This four-mile segment of the Royal River Water Trail features New Gloucester’s Intervale Preserve. The Intervale provides some of the watershed’s most valuable habitat for migratory birds, waterfowl, and game birds.