Runaround Pond Recreation Area


Owned and managed by the Town of Durham, Runaround Pond’s conserved landscape includes more than 450 acres of conserved land that fall within the Royal River watershed. There are great trails, historic observation, hunting and fishing access, and ample paddling and skating opportunities.


315 Runaround Pond Road, Durham


0.8 mile trail network

Permitted activities
Dogs on leash or under voice control
Bird Watching
Horseback Riding
Picnic Table
Backcountry skiing

More information

Trails, Trailhead, + Accessibility

The trail and boating-skating network at the eastern end of Runaround Pond begins and ends at the 133-acre town recreation area with an accessible bathroom, picnic tables, hand-carry boat access, fishing ledges, and good parking plowed year-round. The walking trail is wide, flat, and generally suitable for gentle walking although some sections have roots, tall grass, and ledges. A less maintained informal small loop trails allow exploration of the woods and the shoreline of Chandler Brook. The trails pass near historic cellar holes, the retaining walls of the old mill, the historic granite dam, and quarries. The large loop marked by blue blazes is 0.6 miles in length, looping both north and south from the parking area. Paddling and skating begins at the recreation area.

Runaround Pond Recreation Area - Maine Trail Finder

Runaround Pond Paddling - Maine Trail Finder

CAUTION: The trail loop crosses Runaround Pond Road in two locations. The road crossing closest to the parking lot (boat ramp) is on a sharp curve. Neither the Town of Durham nor Maine DOT support this unsafe crossing; there are no safety signs for accessibility accommodations. Cross at your own risk.

Stewardship and Conservation History

Runaround Pond has a rich history, including as a location for several works of the author Stephen King, who spent most of his childhood living on Runaround Pond Road.

Rules +  regulations
Notable details

Runaround Pond Recreation Area

Owned and managed by the Town of Durham, Runaround Pond’s conserved landscape includes more than 450 acres of conserved land that fall within the Royal River watershed. There are great trails, historic observation, hunting and fishing access, and ample paddling and skating opportunities.