Yarmouth Town Landing to Casco Bay
This segment of the Royal River Water Trail begins at the Yarmouth Town Landing and includes the Royal River Estuary and the Cousins River Estuary, where the rivers meet Casco Bay. These rivers, estuaries, and the bay provide diverse opportunities for boating, fishing, paddling, birding and exploring. At low tide narrow river channels and a crowded harbor require courtesies to other boaters.
Yarmouth Town Landing, 209 Old Shipyard Road, Yarmouth

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Boat Access Points:
Yarmouth Town Landing - 209 Old Shipyard Road, Yarmouth
Winslow Park - Winslow Park Way, Freeport
Sandy Point Beach - Yarmouth (Cousins Island)
Private marinas in Yarmouth Harbor (fees charged)
Yarmouth Town Landing to Casco Bay
This segment of the Royal River Water Trail begins at the Yarmouth Town Landing and includes the Royal River Estuary and the Cousins River Estuary, where the rivers meet Casco Bay. These rivers, estuaries, and the bay provide diverse opportunities for boating, fishing, paddling, birding and exploring. At low tide narrow river channels and a crowded harbor require courtesies to other boaters.